Jailbreak iOS 9.2.1 & iOS 9.3 Full Untether Released

iOS 9.2.1 and iOS 9.3 Full Untethered Jailbreak Achieved by Luca Todesco – Following a series of recent iOS and jailbreak updates, hacker Luca Todesco (the very individual who posted jailbreak teasers for both iOS 9.2.1 and iOS 9.3) is back with another tantalizing proof of concept. Previously, Todesco highlighted a jailbreak that simply injected the kernel patches and other exploits, but wasn’t a full jailbreak, as it was considered volatile or unstable. Now however, the hacker has demonstrated a full fledged Untethered jailbreak on iOS 9.2 with his iPhone 6, which is said to also function on iOS 9.2.1 and iOS 9.3. But here’s the catch, as with his other jailbreak demonstrations, Todesco has confirmed that he won’t release anything to the public. For additional information and a complete breakdown as to why, continue past the break.

Luca Todesco’s Jailbreak Demo Explained

For the purpose of simplicity, we’ve included one video embedded above that essentially breaks down Todesco’s entire demonstration and explains it – if you prefer audible updates, look no further!
In essence, Todesco is simply showing what’s possible and confirming that a jailbreak on iOS 9.2 and up remains possible. During his video, he verifies that his device is an iPhone 6 running iOS 9.2 with Cydia functioning. He then goes on to confirm that it’s a full (Untethered) jailbreak by rebooting, all while highlighting the functionality of a five icon dock tweak and Winterboard, which confirms Cydia Substrate functions on the currently un-jailbreakable firmware.

Relevance/Importance Of This News

Jailbreak iOS 9.2.1

Why is this important if he won’t release it?
That is undoubtedly the most popular question amongst those eagerly awaiting a new jailbreak. The answer is simple though: because it shows us what remains possible after a multitude of security patches found in iOS 9.1 and later.
While Todesco’s initial jailbreak teasers proved that a jailbreak was possible at a kernel level (which is the most difficult part), his latest one for iOS 9.2 showcases that it’s possible for his jailbreak to now automatically load the kernel patch(es) upon reboot.

The Silver Lining

iPhone 6 iOS 9.2.1
In other words: the good news is that we will be able to jailbreak at some point in the future, hopefully soon. While Todesco himself won’t release anything, the two jailbreak teams on the scene (Pangu and TaiG) will eventually come to our aid and release a new jailbreak, whether it’s for iOS 9.2.1 or iOS 9.3 though remains to be seen.
Of course, we’ll keep you fully updated of all new jailbreak developments as they unfold – simply keep your browsers locked to Jailbreak Pangu.com!
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